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Thursday, May 31, 2012

14th week: internet infrastructure

Internet infrastructure
Hierarcy of networks

In order to connect to internet, we need:
¨       Computer
¨       Web browser
¨       Internet access (ISP)
All of this look so easy, what you need to do is just find a computer, connect to a WIFI or internet, click on the web browser which installed in it…that’s all.But the exactly policy and procedures to bring to internet is quite complicated.

Internet protocol (IP)
§      provide a common layer over dissimilar network
§      move packets among “host” computer thru gateways
§      each computer assign a unique IP address
§      IP address consist of 32 bits (shown as 4 octets of numbers from 0-225 represented in decimal form instead of binary)
·         10101000.11010100.11100010.11001100
§      consists of 2 part:
·         Identifying the network
·         Identifying the node/host
§      Class of addresses will part it into network add part and node part.
§      All nodes on a given network share the same network prefix have a unique host number

Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E
Binary add
Decimal no
1 to 126
128 to 191
192 to 223
224 to 239
240 to 255
Identify network
First octet, first 8 bits
First 2 octet, first 16 bits
First 3 octet, first 24 bits
support multicasting

§      So where is the decimal no of 127?
§      Number 127 is for loopback, used for internal testing on local machine

Domain name system (DNS)
©       Domain name is alphabetic that we usually use to search on internet (or we commonly call it website name)
©       Internet service that translates domain names like into numerical IP address like
©       Why we use DNS? = domain names are alphabetic (easier to remember)

Internet servise provider (ISP)
ª       Or IAPs (Internet access providers)
ª       Is an organization that provides access to the internet
ª       Two type: community-owned and non-profit, privately owned and for-profit
ª       User can access ISP to connect the internet via using wires, wireless or fiber-optic connections.

Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
ª       An application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information system.
ª       Foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.
ª       Hypertext = multi-linear set of objects, building a network by using logical link or hyperlinks between the nodes (text or words).
ª       HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext.

Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS)
ª       Combination of HTTP and SSL/TLS protocol.
ª       From the name we know that it is in secure.
ª       It provides encrypted communication:  prevent eavesdropping, securely identify web server communicating.
ª       Primarily used for e-payment transactions, e-mail and sensitive transaction in corporate information system.
ª       Now, widespread use for protecting page authenticity on all type of websites, securing accounts, keeping user communication, identity and browsing history private.

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